Arañando el escándalo. La representación de la pobreza en el cine clásico mexicano: Nosotros los pobres…

Autor(es): Julia Tuñón Resumen: Abstract: Cinematographic representation of poverty and social classes has conditioned the Mexican imaginary in these subjects throughout the xxth Century. Ismael Rodríguez’ trilogy (Nosotros los pobres, Ustedes los ricos and Pepe el Toro), melodramas of big and … Sigue leyendo

La Universidad de Mérida de Yucatán en la época colonial (1624-1767): documentos probatorios de su existencia

Autor(es): Rafael Patrón-Sarti Resumen: Abstract:This essay offers enough documents to prove that the University of Mérida, in Yucatán, reunited three requirements to be considered so: it was founded by competent authorities, it counted with Royal and Vatican privileges and it … Sigue leyendo