Sin “cieno ni obscenidad”: el censor de películas Francisco Ortiz Muñoz, inventor de su propio paraíso (1946)

Autor(es): Julia Tuñón Resumen: Abstract:Francisco Ortiz Muñoz gave a lecture in Madrid in 1946, after which he published Criterio y normas morales de censura cinematográfica (Criteria and moral rules of cinematographic censorship). These were the years when censorship was already … Sigue leyendo

Marginalidad y marginación de la minería de Nueva Vizcaya (1563-1631)

Autor(es): Jaime J. Lacueva Resumen: Abstract: This work aims at analyzing the factors and circumstances affecting performance in the mining sector in Nueva Vizcaya prior to the surge of activity in Parral, characterized by a low intensity exploration of mining sites and poor capital and labor concentration on … Sigue leyendo

La música celestial en el imaginario novohispano, siglos XVI y XVII

Autor(es): Gisela vo Wobeser y Abraham Villavicencio Resumen: Abstract: Celestial music was an essential part of the religious culture in New Spain and was represented in religious and doctrinal literature, as well as in painting and sculpture. The music was ascribed extraordinary qualities and was believed to … Sigue leyendo

“Aquí andaba la mano de Dios”: inicios de la devoción a la Divina Pastora en Veracruz, 1744-1755

Autor(es): William Taylor Resumen: Abstract: Fed by imperial ambitions to supervise and reform, Mexico’s eighteenth-century Information Age produced prodigious amounts of administrative and judicial documentation, including investigations into new miracle claims and the operations of shrines that were attracting more than local attention. Most of the shrines to miraculous images … Sigue leyendo

Auge y límites de las imágenes compartidas: las cofradías del arzobispado de México a finales del siglo XVIII

Autor(es): Nadine Béligand Resumen: Abstract: This article analyzes the report of suppression and incorporation of religious confraternities concluded in 1794 (under Viceroy Revillagigedo and Archbishop Don Alonso Núñez de Haro y Peralta), a documentary source that has never been studied in itself. The inspection report was completed … Sigue leyendo