Auge y límites de las imágenes compartidas: las cofradías del arzobispado de México a finales del siglo XVIII

Autor(es): Nadine Béligand


Abstract: This article analyzes the report of suppression and incorporation of religious confraternities concluded in 1794 (under Viceroy Revillagigedo and Archbishop Don Alonso Núñez de Haro y Peralta), a documentary source that has never been studied in itself. The inspection report was completed at the end of May 1794. It concerned the entire New Spain Archdiocese, and its aim was to assess which religious confraternities were to be maintained (mantenidas), which could be incorporated into those already existent, and which should be extinguished (extinguidas) in the 185 localities of the 50 jurisdictions of the Archdiocese. The report also mentions the suppression of religious confraternities already conducted in 1774 during previous Episcopal visits, as well as their transformation into charitable institutions and stewardships (obras pías y mayordomías) or into simple devotions. The report consists of two parts: the first one deals with Mexico City and the second one with “the religious confraternities and brotherhoods founded in parishes outside Mexico City”, in an order that does not take into account the jurisdictions. Such inspection, which turned into an offensive, responded to a more global rationalization project (of a political, economic, and fiscal nature) which reflected in the Archdiocese’s arguments.

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